Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teacher (REET) 2017 level-1 Child Pedagogy MCQs

26. Question

in our country many children speak more than one language.Find out from the following the correct advantage to the children who has the ability to speak two language 

27. Question

the term inclusion means educating a child with special educational needs_____in the regular classroom 

28. Question

positive or negative events that can motivate a student behaviour. Which psychological perspective explain motivation in this way  

29. Question

a language teacher teaching a poem in the classroom by explaining the details of the poem and asking the students to draw conclusion or board view from explanation.it is an example of 

30. Question

As per Erikson phychosocial development of children occurs in Eight stages. A student of class-III (around 9 years) corresponds to which stage of development?
