1. (i)The credit of using the word ‘ecosystem’ for the first time goes to
(A) A. G. Tensley (B) E. P. Odum
(C) Carl Mobius (D) Sukaschev. 1/2
(ii)An enzyme that catalyses the cleavage of chromosomal DNA at a specific site is
(A) DNA ligase (B) Plasmid
(C) Restriction endonuclease (D) Vector. 1/2
(iii) Botanical name of Marwar teak tree is
(A) Prosopis Cineraria (B) Tecomella undullata
(C) Dalbergia sisso (D) Tectona grandis. 1/2
(iv)Disease caused by deficiency of protein is
(A) Kwashiorkor (B) Goitre
(C) Pellagra (D) Riboflavinosis. 1/2
2. What is germplasm collection ?1/2
3. Vaccination of which disease of dairy animals is done once in three years ?1/2
4. Write the name of a symbiotic bacterium responsible for nitrogen fixation. 1/2
5. What is crop rotation ? 1/2
6. Write any two reasons of suitability for selection of pea plant for hybridization experiment performed by Mendel. 1/2+ 1/2= 1
7. Give an example each of inherent and non-inherent traits. 1/2+ 1/2= 1
8. Draw the pyramid of field-crop and number of organisms dependent on it. 1
9. What is blood agglutination ? What is the cause of the action of blood agglutination ? 1
10. Draw a diagram showing possible inheritance of haemophilia in offspring when a normal man ( XY ) is married with a haemophilia carrier woman ( XX h.) 1
11. Explain the rules formulated by Mendel on the basis of monohybrid cross method. Demonstrate the cross by Checker board. 1/2+ 1/2+ 12= 1 1/2
12. What is aneuploidy ? Explain any one syndrome caused by aneuploidy. 1/2+ 1 = 1 1/2
13. Write the names of abiotic components of an ecosystem. How does the topography of a particular area influence the biotic components ? 1/2+ 1 = 1 1/2
14. What is transgenic plant ? Write any four advantages of the transgenic plants. 1/2+ 1 = 1 1/2
15. How is insulin produced from bacteria ? Explain. 1 1/2
16. What do you mean by spices ? Write the botanical name of a plant yielding spice from its stem. Write the name of chemical present in the spice. 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2= 1 1/2
17. Explain the development of different social groups in honeybees. Draw a labelled diagram of beehive. 1 + 1/2= 1 1/2
18. Write the three harms caused by use of tobacco. 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2= 1 1/2
19. Write the names of factors responsible for crop damage and mention the name of one disease and its character caused by any one factor. 1/2+ 1/2+ 1/2= 1 1/2
20. Explain the meaning of sustainable agriculture. Which practices are used for it ? 1 + 1/2= 1 1/2
21. In which stage is chromosome distinctly visible ? Describe the main parts found in a chromosome. Draw a labelled diagram of generalised chromosome. 1/2+ 2 1/2+ 1 = 4
22. What is stem cell ? Explain the various types of stem cells with examples. Draw a linear sketch showing relationship between differentiation and potency of stem cells.1/2+ 2 1/2+ 1 = 4
23. Describe the main steps for development of new plant variety and draw its linear diagram. 3 + 1 = 4
Define Genetic Engineering and Bio-technology. Explain the interrelationship of biotechnology with other branches of science with the help of a linear diagram. 3 + 1 = 4
24. Explain AIDS disease under the following points :
(i) Name of pathogen
(ii) Four causes of disease communication
(iii) Test of disease
(iv) Four measures for prevention and treatment. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4
Explain Rabies disease under the following points :
(i) Name of pathogen
(ii) Cause of infection
(iii) Four symptoms of the disease
(iv) Four measures for prevention and treatment. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4