ISRO Scientist/Engineer Question Paper Computer Science 2013

16. Question
Two eight bit bytes 1100 0011 and 0100 1100 are added. What are the values of the overflow, carry anf zero flag respectively, if the arithmetic unit of the CPU uses 2s complement form ?

17. Question
How many check bits are requires for 16 bit data word to detect 2 bit errors and single bit correction using hamming code ?

18. Question
What is the maximum number of characters(7 bits + parity) that can be transmitted in a second requires 1 start bit and 1 stop bit

19. Question
IEEE 1394 is related to

20. Question
What will be the cipher text produced by the following cipher function for the plain text ISRO with key k=7 [Consider A=0, B=1,…….Z=25]
Ck(M) = (kM + 13) mod 26
