ISRO Scientist/Engineer Question Paper Computer Science 2013

11. Question
Which of the following sorting algorithms has the minimum running time complexity in the best and average case?

12. Question
The number 1102 in base 3 is equivalent to 123 in which base system?

13. Question
A processor is fetching instructions at the rate of 1 MIPS. A DMA module is used to transfer character to RAM from a device transmitting at 9600 bps. How much time will the processor be slowed down due to DMA activity?

14. Question
A pipeline P operating at 400 Mhz has a speedup factor of 6 and operating at 70% efficieny. How many stages are there in the pipeline?

15. Question
How much speed do we gain by using the cache, when cache is used 80% of the time? Assume cache is faster than main memory.
