Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teacher (REET) 2012 level-2 Child Development and Pedagogy MCQs

16. Question

A teacher gives a blank outline map that shows the location of rivers, mountains, valley and plains etc. He asks students to figure out where the major cities, railway” and highways connecting the major cities might be located. Stuc)ents are not permitted to consult books or other maps. Here the teacher’s approach is

17. Question

Which of the following is not an example of Bandura’s observational learning ?

18. Question

Rajesh misses a month of school because of his illness. When he returns to school, he does not know how to do his long division .assignments. After a number of frustrating experiences in which he fails long division problems, he feels anxious whenever he encounters a division task. As per the classical conditioning theory, emotional unconditioned stimulus ( UCS ) is

19. Question

Which type of leaming mainly influences personality of the child ?

20. Question

Which of the following statements about individual differences is true ?
