ISRO Scientist/Engineer Question Paper Computer Science 2018

16. Question

( G, *) is an abelian group. Then

17. Question

Consider the following C code segment :
#include <stdio.h>
int i, j , x ;
scanf(“%d”, &x);
i = 1 ; j = 1;
while ( i< 10 ) {
j = j * i ;
i= i + 1;
if ( i == x ) break ;
For the program fragment above, which of the following statements about the variables i and j must be true after execution of this program? [ !(exclamation) sign denotes factorial in the answer ]

18. Question

Given √224r = 13r the value of radix r is

19. Question

Determine the number of page faults when references to pages occur in the order – 1, 2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4. Assume that the main memory can accommodate 3 pages and the main memory already has the pages 1 and 2, with page 1 having brought earlier than page 2. (assume LRU i.e. Least-Recently-Used algorithm is applied)

20. Question

Consider a system having m resources of the same type. These resources are shared by 3 processes A, B, C, which have peak time demands of 3, 4, 6 respectively. The minimum value of m that ensures that deadlock will never occur is
