Physics: Sound Wave MCQs

26. Question

velocity of sound in air is 


27. Question

A tuning fork of frequency 480Hz . Produces 10 beats per second when sounded with a vibrating sonometer string. What must have been the frequency of the string if a slight increase in tension produces beats per second then before?

28. Question

When a source is giving away from a stationary observer with a velocity equal to that of sound in air,then the frequency hear by the observer will be 

29. Question

ten tuning fork are arranged in arranged in increasing order of frequency in such a way that any two nearest tuning forks produces 4 beats per second . The highest frequency is twice that of the lowest .possible highest and lowest frequencies are 

30. Question

If X=a sin (ωt+π/6) and x’=acosωt, then what is the phase difference between the two waves
